The Butterfly Assassin by Finn Longman

From Book Trigger Warnings
The Butterfly Assassin
Cover of The Butterfly Assassin by Finn Longman
Author(s) Finn Longman
Published May 26, 2022
Publisher Simon and Schuster Children's UK
Genre(s) Thriller
Age group Young Adult

The Butterfly Assassin by Finn Longman is an upcoming young adult thriller novel, set to be published on May 26, 2022.

Trigger Warnings

Author-Provided Warnings

The following content warnings are listed on the author's Goodreads review:

This book contains:

  • on-page depictions of murder, death, and associated violence
  • descriptions of poisoning and associated symptoms, including vomiting
  • hospital scenes and references to past medical abuse/non-consensual surgery
  • flashbacks to and discussion of past child abuse (physical and emotional)
  • brief references to spiders (not described at length)
  • liberal use of swear words

It does not include any sexual content, including sexual violence. I mention this because there is so much other violence it would be plausible to assume there might be; it is not otherwise possible to list all the things that aren't in the book.

Additional Trigger Warnings

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An asterisk (*) indicates that the author openly identifies with that identity.

  • Ace protagonists


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