Thirteenth by C.M. Rosens
From Book Trigger Warnings
(Redirected from Thirteenth by CM Rosens)
Thirteenth by C.M. Rosens is an adult horror novel, set to be published on April 30, 2021. It is the second book in the Pagham-on-Sea series.
Trigger Warnings
Author-Provided Warnings
The following content warnings are available on the author's website:
- violence and gore, violent deaths in familial context
- abduction by family member
- body horror [eldritch, mutation/transformational, parasitic/worm-adjacent]
- cannibalism
- drug-taking and on-page trips
- adult male sexual arousal/fellatio
- a homophobic serial killer father who targets teen girls, cold/emotionally neglectful mother
- a reference to dysphoria
- toxic, dysfunctional inbred/incestuous monster family, inc. bullying, boundary-crossing
- self harm and self-destructive behaviours inc. drug and alcohol abuse/relapse
- historic child neglect, emotional/psychological/physical abuse
- very strong language throughout
- historic dubious consent/sexual harassment of ace character
- entrail-reading (birds), [wild] animal cruelty/death
- emesis
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An asterisk (*) indicates that the author openly identifies with that identity.
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