Hammer & Tongs by Lara Kinsey

From Book Trigger Warnings
Hammer & Tongs
Cover of Hammer & Tongs by Lara Kinsey
Author(s) Lara Kinsey
Published April 28, 2020
Genre(s) Historical Fiction
Age group Adult

Hammer & Tongs by Lara Kinsey is an adult historical fiction novella, originally published on April 28, 2020.

Trigger Warnings

  • Alcohol
    On-page alcohol consumption; a secondary character struggles with alcoholism.
  • Animal Neglect
    MCs rescue a horse from animal neglect. All animals are fine in the end and no one dies.
  • Crossdressing
    Cis heroine is initially presenting as male and using a male name. She maintains her masculine presentation throughout the book but switches to she/her pronouns. Gender identity discussed on page.
  • Drugs
    Mention of cocaine. No on-page usage.
  • Sexually Explicit Scenes
    On-page penetrative sex including anal sex and pegging.
  • Tobacco
  • Violence
    Threat of violence, culminating in a brief street fight with a rival gang.
  • War
    Hero has shellshock (PTSD) from World War I. No on-page war, but the hero has several recollections.


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