Nyx by Serena Akeroyd

From Book Trigger Warnings
Cover of Nyx by Serena Akeroyd
Author(s) Serena Akeroyd
Published January 15, 2020
Publisher Serena Akeroyd Publishing Ltd
Genre(s) Romance,dark,Erotica
Age group adult, new Adult

GIULIA He’s dark. Dirty. Dangerous. A brother in my dad's MC. Everything Mom told me to avoid. Everything I shouldn’t want. But his dark, his dirty, and his dangerous are like catnip to me. He stirs fear into the hearts of men, but I hear his rage. I feel it like it’s my own. He’s a killer. Shameless. Some might even call him a psycho. I just call him soul mate. We were born to raise hell together, born to make sick b*stards pay for their sins, born to be the king and queen of darkness… Now, the king just needs to get that memo.

NYX is the first book in the eleven-book ‘A Dark & Dirty Sinners’ MC’ series. It is not a standalone.

Trigger Warnings

  • Abuse (mentioned)
  • Rape
  • Murder
  • Violence


An asterisk (*) indicates that the author openly identifies with that identity.

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