Psycho by Robert Bloch

From Book Trigger Warnings
Cover of Psycho by Robert Bloch
Author(s) Robert Bloch
Published April 10th, 1959
Genre(s) Horror
Age group Adult


It was a dark and stormy night when Mary Crane glimpsed the unlit neon sign announcing the vacancy at the Bates motel. Exhausted, lost, and at the end of her rope, she was eager for a hot shower and a bed for the night. Her room was musty but clean and the plumbing worked. Norman Bates, the manager, seemed nice, if a little odd.

Trigger Warnings

  • Fatphobia
  • Grand Larceny
  • Oedipal Complex
  • Paying someone into sleeping with them (attempted)
  • Racism
  • Slurs Used


An asterisk (*) indicates that the author openly identifies with that identity.

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