Love Under Siege by Multiple Authors

From Book Trigger Warnings
Love Under Siege
Cover of Love Under Siege by Multiple Authors
Author(s) Samantha A. Cole
KaLyn Cooper
Lindsay Cross
P.J. Fiala
Maryann Jordan
M.J. Nightingale
Caitlyn O’Leary
Abbie Zanders
Published September 18, 2018
Publisher Buoni Amici Press, LLC
Genre(s) Romance

Love Under Siege by Samantha A. Cole, KaLyn Cooper, Lindsay Cross, P.J. Fiala, Maryann Jordan, M.J. Nightingale, Caitlyn O’Leary, and Abbie Zanders is an anthology of romance novels, originally published on September 18, 2018. It contains the following novels:

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