Immortality: The Beginning of the End by A.L. Faulkenberry

From Book Trigger Warnings
Immortality: The Beginning of the End
Cover of Immortality: The Beginning of the End by A.L. Faulkenberry
Author(s) A.L. Faulkenberry
Published June 21, 2018
Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Genre(s) Science Fiction
Age group Young Adult

Immortality: The Beginning of the End by A.L. Faulkenberry is a young adult science fiction novel, originally published on June 21, 2018.

Trigger Warnings

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  • Animal cruelty/abuse (graphic)
    The first chapter contains scenes of a scientist conducting several experiments using chimpanzees, including injecting one with cyanide and severing another's artery. The results are graphically described.
  • Child abuse (medical, graphic)
    The first chapter contains a scene in which a scientist conducts several experiments on an immortal child in front of an audience to prove her immortality. These include: injecting her with cyanide and slicing her artery.


An asterisk (*) indicates that the author openly identifies with that identity.

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