My Vows Are Sealed by Carmen Richter

From Book Trigger Warnings
My Vows Are Sealed
Cover of My Vows Are Sealed by Carmen Richter
Author(s) Carmen Richter
Published November 4, 2021
Publisher Independently Published
Genre(s) Romance
Age group Adult

My Vows Are Sealed by Carmen Richter is an adult romance novel, originally published on November 4, 2021. It is book 0 in the Sealed With a Kiss series.

Trigger Warnings

Author-Provided Warnings

The following content warnings are provided on the author's website blurb:

  • Graphic scenes depicting child abuse with heavy religious overtones, including one scene that borders on sexual abuse
  • On-the-page sex scenes between a seventeen-year-old girl and a nineteen-year-old boy
  • Unplanned pregnancy
  • Short birth scene in bonus epilogue

This book DOES fall within the consent laws in the state in which it's set.

Additional Trigger Warnings

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An asterisk (*) indicates that the author openly identifies with that identity.

  • Bisexuality
  • Genderfluid/nonbinary character
