Spooky Smutty Stories: Classic Tales Gone Gay by Claire Cray

From Book Trigger Warnings
Spooky Smutty Stories: Classic Tales Gone Gay
Cover of Spooky Smutty Stories: Classic Tales Gone Gay by Claire Cray
Author(s) Claire Cray
Published January 13, 2019
Genre(s) Romance
Age group Adult

Spooky Smutty Stories: Classic Tales Gone Gay by Claire Cray is an adult romance novel, originally published on January 13, 2019.

Trigger Warnings

Author-Provided Warnings

To following warning can be found on the author's website

Brief references to implied homophobia, potential past suicide in “Runner, Runner.”
Non-consensual sex and forced orgasm with a non-human creature in “Strange Waters.”

Additional Trigger Warnings

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An asterisk (*) indicates that the author openly identifies with that identity.

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